We never knew 31 days could be so sweet.
Last week we
celebrated Henry's 1-month birthday.
And if you're wondering what that consisted of-it started out with a lovely trip to the pediatrician where Henry once again, passed his baby tests with flying colors.
A little smirk while we were in the waiting room at the Doctor.
The "quick stats" are as follows:
Weight...9 lbs. 5 oz. 50th percentile.
Height...22 inches. 75th percentile.
Head...little. 25th percentile. (I can't remember the exact measurements of his head...but it's still pretty tiny.)
We spent the evening having Henry's very first photo shoot. Thanks to my sweetestest southern friend,
Rachel-Henry looked adorable in his first of 12 onesies to help commemorate each month of the first year of his life. Here are a few of our favorite shots...
Holy Cow! I'm one month old!
Verdict is still out on if he actually likes his monkeys.
Hank LOVES his pacifier.
Can't get enough of those baby blues and yummy toes.
We're going to take pictures of Henry next to his monkey every month to see how much he's grown.
He looks like he's up to no good...OR...relieving himself of a little gas.
And then things went a little south...
So pathetic and sweet at the same time.
Apparently he did NOT want any smooches from his monkey pal.
And just 'cause we have to end on a goodie...
Just delicious.
And a few things that stick out in my mind about Henry's first month...
*He hardly cries. When he does it's simply to tell us that he's hungry, sleepy, or would appreciate a new diaper. I know I'm partial-but every time we take him somewhere, or have people over-he's always on his best behavior...letting people cuddle with him and hold him. He's a charmer.
*He LOVES his hands. If he doesn't have his paci, he is usually sucking on his thumb or fingers. He's been that way since he came out of the womb. When he wakes up in the morning, he doesn't cry-he just lays in his crib, sucking away, staring up at his monkeys.
*Henry eats about every 2-3 hours. Nursing is going very well. He only takes a bottle if Daddy is feeding him and Mommy has plenty of pumped milk for these occasions.
*He almost always has his legs and feet crossed. It's too cute.
*He loves his car seat. He's very cozy in it, and as soon as we put him in the car and start driving, he almost always falls asleep.
*He burps and farts with the best of the boys.
*He loves watching football with his Daddy.
*Most of his facial expressions are very serious. He furrows his eyebrows all the time, and is extremely alert and wide-eyed when he's awake.
*Sometime during the first couple weeks of his life, he acquired the nickname "Buggy." Daddy Perks and I have no idea how it came about, but that's what we call him most of the time-so if I refer to him as Buggy, know that I am in fact talking about my son.
*Henry loves his bouncy seat, swing, and play mat. He also loves being on his tummy. He can already hold his head up all by himself, and pretty much has since the day he was born.
*He loves to snuggle with Mommy and Daddy. He takes naps on our chests and can stay that way for hours.
*Henry is a GREAT sleeper. For the first few weeks of his life, he would get up once during the middle of the night to eat. Now he is sleeping through the night consistently. Once he goes down for the night, he sleeps for 7-8 hours straight. (We know how lucky we are.)
Happy 1 month Buggy!