As's the first offical cyberworld picture of Baby Perks...
[caption id="attachment_68" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="14 weeks!"]
And yes-those are my magical super stetchy maternity jeans. And no-I don't intend to stop wearing high heels just because I'm pregnant. With an ever-expanding belly, I need all the height and fabulous accessories (aka hot pink pumps) I can get!
Oh the joy of not having to suck in for the next 6 months. It's just the little things perks :) Happy Monday y'all.
You look SOO adorable!!!! (Love the pink pumps too!)
You are so flippin adorable!! You make pregnancy look great! I can't wait to see you in person and see the bump for myself. Oh, and I am convinced it's a girl..I will explain my theory behind this madness Thursday!
Um, so I was totally blown away when i saw this. HOW CUTE! Please keep me updated with more pics. I want to see one where you aren't holding your belly-au natural, and maybe one in those green pj's ;)
You look soooo freakin adorable! The glow you give of is just radiant! Love you Shubs!
You are going to make every woman in America want to have a baby. Seriously. That sweet little (and I do mean little:) bump looks good on you. I know your hubby agrees.
You are a stone-cold fox in this picture - even though you hated my guts this morning for no reason I can figure out other than just because I was alive.
-Your Hubby
Holy canoly you are sooooo freaking adorable!!! I love that you still wear your hot pink heels- you work it girl!!! :) Smooches!!!
AWWWWWWWWW!!! You're BEAUTIFUL. I can't wait to see you in a few months!
You look absolutely adorable! I cannot wait to see you in person, when will that be?? I need some shubs in my life :) Love ya!
I love the blog and I LOVE the picture of your baby belly!
wow...i am soo behind! after i talked to you tonight i sat down with my lap-top (with bachelor in the background) and caught up on the bump! i can't believe it! you look so cute:) it really makes me happy/slightly emotional! got to keep reading.... love you!
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