Ok I'm a little late on this fruit...it actually goes with weeks 33-36 of the pregnancy-so feast your eyes on what my baby boy has been lookin' like for the last month! It's a honeydew-or as I like to refer to this fruit... "the armpit of the fruit salad." Seriously though-who goes for the honeydew first in a fruit salad when it's surrounded by delicious strawberries, pineapples, and other succulent, more flavorful fruits? Not this gal.
Anyways...like I said...Baby Perks has been a "honeydew" for about a month now and is heading towards being classified as one of my all time summer fruits. I'm sure if you take even a second to think about what fruit looks most like my belly these days, it won't be hard for you to figure out what's coming in the last installment of "Fun Fruit Friday."
A quick update on Henry's progress as we count down the days to his arrival...
Daddy Perks and I had a doctor's apppointment this week and found out I am not dialated at all, I'm measuring right where I should be, my blood pressure is a fantastic 102/60, and in fact that nurse even complimented me on my weight gain being right where it should be. I told her I'd be more than willing to host a training for all the pregnant women at the practice to let them know how I've managed to stay within the suggested weight gain limit-the training would be broken down into 3 segments: 1.) Chipotle Burritos, 2.) McDonald's Quarter Pounders w/ Cheese, 3.) All other horrible foods that I've indulged in over the past nine months.
This weekend I head to Lexington, Kentucky to stand in a wedding for my dear friend Erica. Tomorrow my belly and I will be dressed from head to toe in pink and purple taffeta goodness, and yes-I will be sporting 4-inch stilettos. I was worried that my swollen feet and ankles wouldn't get enough attention, but I think these shoes will really make sure I get extra pity groans as I hobble down the aisle praying that my water doesn't break mid-ceremony. This will be the last big shin-dig Daddy Perks and I have before the arrival of Henry so we are going to enjoy our weekend with friends and family knowing that the next time we head out of state we'll have added the title of "Mommy" and "Daddy" to our bag of tricks.
Meanwhile, I hope "y'all" have a wonderful weekend :) (Had to squeeze in a little southern accent as I head down south to my college town-GO CATS!)
Have an amazing time at the wedding and give Erica my best! Love you!
I love you. I love your southern dialect. And I love the fact that I will get to see pics of your beautiful boy in just a couple of weeks. Your life is about to change completely - for the better. XOXO to all three of y'all:).
right now i am imagining your best d.j. impression... can't get more KY than that!! haha :)
hope you all had fun at the wedding and that your feet survived! i can't wait to see pics!
I was so excited when I got on your blog that I had two new posts to read!! HAHA!!! Hope you had a wonderful time at the wedding, I cannot wait to hear all about it! Love ya :)
Again, you crack me up.
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