I know what you're thinking. If you saw your husband pull a stunt like this in an upscale store like Pottery Barn for Kids...it might have you reevaulating if he's ready for fatherhood.
And yes. This picture is real. Daddy Perks did in fact crawl into a toddler bed at Pottery Barn for Kids while we were out perusing nursery bedding and other baby goods a few weeks ago. And yes, I did scold him as if he was my toddler, roll my eyes, and quickly dodge over in between the rugs so the sales ladies helping me wouldn't "red flag" our registry and whisper to each other..."That's the Dad?!?"
And I can't call the trip a total wash because while there we stumbled upon the most delicious monkey bedding of all time. In fact, if you look closely in the picture you'll see Daddy Perks holding an adorable orange, plush, monkey that I can just picture Baby Henry tugging behind him as scurries the hall to our bedroom to crawl into bed with Mommy and Daddy someday.
But this post isn't about monkeys, or bedding, or the hormonal imbalance you may think Daddy Perks is causing me due to his less-than-Daddy-like behavior as we prepare for the birth of our son. In fact, I'm writing to brag about Daddy Perks.
I'm smiling as I write this because for those of you out there who have found your perfect match, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I can barely describe in words what its like to wake up everyday next to a man who I'd be proud to have my son turn into someday. He is caring, kind, compassionate and possesses all the characteristics a mother would hope for in her son, and so much more.
My husband puts the fun in funny. There is never a dull moment in the Perks household and I love the fact that at any given moment you might hear Daddy Perks belting out a Michael Jackson classic in the shower, rattling off his latest comedy bits, or just making strange noises that can't make you do anything but giggle.
Sometimes he'll lay on my stomach and make the strangest comments to Henry...i mean, he'll say really weird things. But I can't help but look down and smile knowing that I've got the best of the best for my little boy. Henry will know what it means to be a man with conviction, honor, faith, integrity, humility and all the other qualities we women search for in a man.
And if we're lucky...Daddy will pass down his devestatingly handsome good looks to our sweet baby boy.
I'm sure there will be many more posts about how my hubby rocks in the next few months...so stay tuned for more incriminating photos that I'm sure he'll create for himself :)
This post made me laugh and then brought tears to my eyes!!! Ohh baby Henry, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into!!:)
This was the sweetest post ever Lins! :)
This brings back memories. When Colin was a baby and they used to come visit, he would have to sleep in a dresser drawer!! (Perhaps that explains a lot!) Too cute--can't wait to see you both.
Absolutely adorable post! I love your hubby's personality without even knowing him and I just know how perfect you two are for one another and for baby Henry.
I am absolutely up for handing out any parenting advice necessary. My first advice for you: Get ahold of Jenny McCarthy's books Belly Laughs and Baby Laughs because they're quick reads and you will laugh your prego booty off! And another one for down the road is my current (easy) read--Dirty Little Secrets from Otherwise Perfect Moms by Trisha Ashworth and Amy Nobile. I'm going to breeze through it this afternoon actually!
Will you be waddling, err, I mean walking in the CMW 5k in June? Hope so! I'm running it (hopefully) for the first time. I've only walked in the past.
I think becoming a daddy will just make Colin even more funny (if that's possible). I can't wait to hear his first stand-up act post-Henry. Y'all will be the best parents, Shubz. And I can't imagine how special the child that comes from the two of you will be. Lets just say that he will make a mark on this world. No doubt.
i love colin :)
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