And poor Daddy Perks is getting the raw end of the deal. A good wife would probably let her husband sleep, even if she was having trouble. But I figure, if Baby Perks is so lovingly preparing me for tiresome adventures ahead...then I should make sure my hubby gets to experience a few sleepless nights before the big arrival too. So in the middle of the night when I'm up tossing and turning, I make sure to sigh obnoxiously just loud enough so that my sweet husband will wake up from his peaceful slumber to check on his needy pregnant wife. Then he goes down the list of typical things I might need...offering me water, gatorade, to turn down the AC, more pillows, less pillows, my sanity...
I listen, all the while politely thinking in my head... "NO-I DON'T WANT ANY OF THOSE THINGS. I JUST THINK IF I HAVE TO BE AWAKE AT 3 IN THE MORNING...SO SHOULD YOU!" So then until we fall back asleep we lay there pondering how our lives are going to change so drastically in just a few short months. It's also during this time that Henry feels it necessary to get his nightly calistenics Daddy Perks and I get to lay together, our hands on my belly, feeling the baby move. And believe me...there's no better feeling in the world.
Ok-back to the squash. My handy-dandy baby sizing guide has this to say about the 7th month of pregnancy...
"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."
In other growing belly has been the inspiration on the playground at school these days. I've noticed several students (mostly girls) have been taking basketballs and other round objects and sticking them under their shirt so "they can be pregnant like Mrs. Perkins." I've also noticed several students (mostly boys) taking these "pregnant girls" onto the basketball court so they can perform "emergency C-Sections" on them. God only knows how I'll explain this one to parents.
I am cracking up picturing those girls with their basketball bellies being led to the "surgical area" by the boys to perform c-sections. (Which, btw, where did they even learn about that?!) Too funny! Who knew you'd be such an inspiration on the playground? (When I first read that line, I wasn't sure what was going to come next! One can only imagine how a pregnant woman can be an inspiration on the playground...! LOL!)
Anyway, all the fun things I have to look forward to in a few short (sigh...) months! Plan for tomorrow: a LONG nap just to make up for any future loss of sleep. :)
Sounds like you have an awesome hubby!
I'll pray that you get some restful nights!
So glad to see Tiff on Perks Blog. Y'all would get along like peas and carrots if you met. Seriously. You are both THAT fabulous. I love you Shubz, and your little Squash. Can't wait to cuddle him:).
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