It's hard to believe we're a mere 8 weeks away from welcoming our little one into the world. Lots has been going on in the Perks household these days as we prepare for the arrival of Henry. Speaking of that little monkey...he is quite pleased with the fact that he recently located his mommy's ribs and BOY DOES HE LOVE to kick them. I've read that I've reached the point in my pregnancy where Henry will start to settle into the position he'll need to be in for labor. This means his feeet should be up by my ribs and his head should be down by the place where Henry will make his grand entrance into the world.
As Henry grows, Daddy Perks continues to humor himself by stating belly analogies such as... "Henry's upgraded from studio apartment to a 3 bedroom home lately." It's true-with each passing day my belly seems to grow outward just a little bit more, BUT I'm pleased to announce that my belly button is still a 100% INNY! Every morning I wake up and hesitantly cascade my hand over Henry's home to see if there's been a status change in the belly button department. For whatever reason, I'm somewhat fearful of the day that I give my belly a rub and discover a mini bump on my big bump. I'll certainly keep you posted if there are any new developments.
Other than that...not too much to share. We seem to be making lots of lists these days. Even our lists have lists. There seems to be an endless amount of things to do so that we are as prepared as possible for the big day. Speaking of preparation...we are enrolled to take our childbirth class this coming Monday. This will consist of 4 fun-filled hours of everything we ever wanted to know about the anatomy and physiology of birth, medical options, and procedures for childbirth with an emphasis on labor and birth with an epidural.
So I'm SURE we'll have stories to share after this exciting adventure...stay tuned for Mommy & Daddy Perks' reactions to "how a baby comes out."
I kept waiting for you to post - glad that baby is still baking! Any time a mommy-to-be blogger goes more than a week without posting, I always start to wonder :D
You look FANtastic! So jealous.
I agree with Abby, you look GREAT!!! You've got the cutest maternity clothes, too! I gotta find out where you shop! Things are quite limited in my neck of the woods!
Can't wait to hear about the class! :)
I did not look that pleasant at 32 weeks. I can promise you that;). Can't wait to see you and Baby Henry in just a few days. I am going to rub that little tummy like crazy! XOXO.
God I hate outties.
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