Saturday, June 6, 2009

Birthdays + Showers=Happy Perks!

So. Much. To. Say.

So. Little. Time.

Bottome line...this is a HUGE weekend for Daddy, Mama & Henry Perks.

Yesterday I turned the big 2-6.  Shhhhhh.  I'm trying not to make a big deal of the fact that I've officially entered into a new quarter century of my life.  Anyways...a quick run-down of the day:

I spent the day and night celebrating with friends and family.  Daddy Perks took me to lunch.  We ate on the patio at BW3's where I indulged in some delicious boneless wings and a tasty lemonade...enjoying the spectacular weather and my lovely hubby.  We then sauntered over to Coldstone Cremery AKA "God's proof that he loves the world" and I indulged in my favorite ice cream combo: Cake Batter with Strawberries.  I was entirely too full to even eat ice cream after the wings but I believe on your birthday one should overindulge for 24 hours straight.

After work we met some of my nearest and dearest at my favorite local mexican hot spot for some delicious chips and salsa and cheezy goodness.  I spent the night enjoying the fact that birthdays are just a great excuse to make all the people I  love come together to eat my favorite food.

And while the gathering itself was a fabulous enough, my dear friends and family also spoiled me with presents.  I was lucky enough to acquire a few gift certificates so I can march my pregnant hiney over to the spa to have a few pregnancy massages AND finally tend to my very-much-neglected-non-pedicured toes.  Anyone who knows me knows what a sucker I am for massages and pedicures so these gifts were almost enough to make me shed hormonal- imbalance pregnancy tears.  Spa-visiting Mama Perks=pure bliss.

Here's a shot of Henry on his way out to celebrate his Mommy's birthday...

Henry!(Baby Perks informed me via baby kicking morse code that he's sick of sharing the spotlight with his Mama in photos...)

As if the birthday celebration last night wasn't the fun continues!  Henry & I will spend the day being showered with gifts at a baby shower being hosted for us by mine and Daddy Perks' moms...or as we've come to refer to them in the past few months...Nana Shubs & Mimi Pat.  We decided that when you reach "grandmother status" one should be able to decide what their grandchild should call them and these are the names which our moms have come up with.  Now whether or not Henry takes to actually referring to his grandmas this way...only time will tell.

Anyways...I'll make sure to take LOTS of pictures of today's festivities and report back ASAP.

PS...Little Henry's rooms is coming along splendidly.  The crib AND dresser/changing table are put together and his room is waiting to be filled with all kinds of goodies from today's shower.  In fact, the gifts have already started rolling in!  The UPS man must have made a mental note that somebody's having a baby at our house because he stopped here 3 times this week to deliver packages from Babies 'R Us!  Perhaps I should leave a plate of warm cookies for him in anticipation of his impending visits?


Rachie said...

I'm the first to comment. Yea! You look precious with that little bump, Shubz. And I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your B-day so much. You deserve it. I LOVE YOU and Baby Henry too:)...and tell Colin that we love "all y'all" just so he doesn't feel left out;).

Tiff said...

Happy Birthday Mama Perks! Love the pic of Henry!!! :)