"Wow! He is still WAY up there."
Not exactly what my swollen ankles wanted to hear.
So there you have it...the anticlimactic Baby Perks update is that I'm 1 centimeter dialated and my baby boy has yet to start his descent towards making his entrance into the world. I have a verbal promise from our doctor that he won't let me go more than a week past our due date...so at this point the absolute longest we'll have to wait for Henry is 19 more days.
At this point I'm passing the time by trying to finish up my thank-you notes, spending quality time with Daddy Perks and our families and friends, and keeping my swollen feet up whenever I can.
Daddy Perks caught this profile shot of me last week...a vision in purple don't you think?
While I can't see your ankles, you don't have a double chin and you're still wearing your wedding rings, so I think you should be considered a pregnant success - esp considering the sweltering weather steaming into the midwest lately!
Mr. Henry will be here before you know it! Enjoy your last few days with Mr. Perks :D
What a cute bump. It looks like you are the same size everywhere else with a little basketball under your shirt. You are SO CLOSE. Sleep now while there's still time, my friend. Love ya.
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