Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quick Henry Update...

I know it's been 6 days since I posted so I figured I better post something to let y'all know I'm not in labor...Henry is still nestling safely in my belly. Although, he's pretty cramped these days, and he and I have been having lots of heart-to-hearts about how Mommy's ready for him to come out ASAP :)

We've been putting the finishing touches on the nursery and I CAN'T WAIT to show you all how it's turned out.  It's delicious.  Pictures to come, I promise.

We had an appointment on Wednesday...and I'm excited to let you know I've dialated a whopping 1/2 of  a centimeter...which basically means a whole lot of nothing.  I could still be in the same boat 3 weeks from now.  My blood pressure was a little bit high, but nothing to be too alarmed about.  We are a mere 17 days away from the due anything can happen at this point...

Sorry for the boring post...we've been having technical difficulties with our computer...I'm using Daddy Perks' work computer as we speak.

I promise that I will resume normal witty, creative, hilarious, picture-filled posting this weekend :)

Happy Friday.

1 comment:

Ang said...

Dilated 1/2 centimeter...woohoo! Only 9 1/2 to go and the world gets to meet baby Henry, can't wait!!!