Sunday, November 22, 2009

2 Months Old...a few weeks late.

Henry will be 3 months old in 8 days-which means I'm a few weeks late posting the pictures from his 2 month photo shoot.  Life happens right?

Quick Stats at 2 months:

Height: 24 1/2 inches...100th percentile!

Weight: 12 lbs. 4 oz...60th percentile.

Head...20th percentile.

It seems so weird to type those stats, and post these pictures, considering I just put a little boy to bed who looks SO much more grown-up than these pictures show.  But alas, here are a few more shots for your viewing pleasure:

No photo shoot would be complete without a little spit-up.

Looking quite shocked to have reached his 2 month birthday.

He smiles ALL the time these days.

If we could only all look so cute with a double chin?

I know for a fact those little legs weren't hanging off the ottoman at his 1 month shoot.

Love. Those. Cheeks.

A few thoughts...

*Did you notice HOW TALL Buggy is?  He's in the 100th percentile!  We aren't sure where he's getting his height from.  Daddy Perks is slightly above average in height, but neither of us are at the top of the class-so we'll see how long he keeps up these basketball friendly numbers :)  In fact-when we went in for his 2-month well check-up at the doctor's office, Doctor Matt said: "I'm glad I looked at Henry's charts before I walked in here, because I would have thought we were on his 4-month appointment by the looks of him!"  You are one lanky boy.  You grow out of all your clothes length-wise before you ever fill them out.  Daddy Perks jokes that we need to start shopping in the "Big and Tall" section for your wardrobe.

*Around 4 weeks-old you started smiling, and now we can't get you to stop.  You are SUCH a happy baby.  You smile when you wake up in the morning, (Yes-even if it's 5:30 am) and you pretty much smile all day long.

*Around 5 weeks-old you started giggling.  People who don't know you that well might mistake your giggle for a cough.  But it is a full-blown belly laugh-and it's quite possibly the cutest thing ever.  Daddy found out that you're ticklish-just like Mommy.  Your weak spot is your belly, and if I catch him torturing you with the tickles, I always come to your rescue.  (I expect you to return the favor someday.)

*You have a love affair with lights and ceiling fans.  You could stare at them all day long.  We often find you laughing at them-you're helping to remind us to appreciate the simple pleasures in life.

*You love bath time now.  You just lay there calmly as Daddy and I scrub you down.  You also LOVE when we wrap you up in your towels afterwards.

*You are still a great sleeper, although these days you've decided you need to eat once during the middle of the night.  Mommy doesn't mind because you wake up just to eat, and then go right back in your crib and don't cry at all.  You LOVE your crib.  You also love your monkey mobile.  You babble with the monkeys and we wonder what the heck you're saying to them :)

*You are a charmer with the ladies.  When you see pretty girls, you're all smiles.  We know this could prove to be dangerous down the road...

*You survived your first round of shots at the doctor.  You were really brave.  You cried for about 4 seconds, and as soon as I scooped you up, you knew everything would be alright.  Those vaccinations did mess up your sleeping pattern that night though-you woke up at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, and 5:30 am.  Holy moly-it made me feel very blessed that you're such a good sleeper-how do parents get up that many times a night on a normal basis?

*You still love your pacifier.  And your swing.  And your playmat.  When we put you in bouncy seat now, we have to strap you in because you're a WIGGLE WORM.  Apparently the key to staying long 'n lean is to just never stop moving.  And you don't.  You're pretty much moving your legs all the time.

Ok-that's enough fun facts for now.  After all-in 8 days I'll have to come up with a whole new list of Henry-isms for the 3 month post.

Happy Monday PERKS followers!


Tiff said...

Henry's getting big, and cuter than ever!!! I could get lost in those eyes, and I just want to pinch those thighs!!! :) Love reading the "stats" to see what I have to look forward to with Tucker ;)

abs said...

i can't believe how much he has changed in such a short time!!! he looks huge! i love the bathism ;) so cute!