Gosh I hope He(nry) likes monkeys.
We've been working tirelessly to create the posh-est baby pad ever for our little Henry. Months ago Daddy Perks had a fantastic idea to hang monkeys from a vine in the nursery...and that was just the beginning. Over the past couple weeks, Hank's nursery has transformed into a full-blown monkey jungle. And we LOVE it.
As promised...here is a sneak peak of what our little man will come home to after we leave the hospital. He will officially reside in the coolest room in the house.
Let's take a virtual tour shall we?!?
Enter into Henry's room...
This is what you see as you walk through the door into his nursery.
Now turn to the left...
This wall obviously is home to his changing table and crib.
Above his changing table we decided to frame some art from the original Curious George book...
We couldn't be more pleased with how these turned out...nothing like spending $7 on a book to get some really cool art!
We can't wait for OUR curious little monkey to be here :)
Ok...now turn to the opposite wall....
Glider and Bookshelf.
Here's a few close-ups of some of the cubes in his bookshelf...
His growing shoe collection..complete with Jordan's, Crocs, Loafers, Boat Shoes, Keds, Monkey Slippers...and the list goes on.
Lots O' Books.
We chose this bookshelf because of all the storage space...it can be filled with totes, books, and maybe a monkey or two...
We got this bookshelf at IKEA...it was quite the steal.
Close-up of the crib bedding and monkey mobile...
Cozy huh?
Now we turn around to see the view to his bathroom...and yes-he does have double closets. And yes-we could currently fill both of them with his insanely large wardrobe. But I could do a whole post on his wardrobe alone...so we'll head straight to the bathroom...

The best part...I came home last week to find that my sneaky mom and sisters had decked out the bathroom without me even knowing.
It was a total surprise!
Just delicious, don't ya think?
Once again...a few close ups...
Sink and counter-complete with soap dispenser, soap holder, cup & toothbrush holder.
And of course...what bathroom would be complete without monkey hooded towel?
And there you have it folks. I could post more pictures-but let's assume if you're that interested...at some point you'll making a visit to the Perks Household to meet Baby Henry-and you can see his room for yourself in person.
Make sure you leave a comment to let me know what you think...creative minds MUST pull together to let me know if there's any last minute touches we need to add before the big arrival. (PS-over 200 of you visit this site on a daily basis...which means I should be getting LOTS of help!)
For now-I'm off to dream of my little monkey.
After all-he's due in just 14 short days.
Can you believe it?