Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun Fruit Friday!

You guessed it...time for your favorite bambino produce update...


[caption id="attachment_164" align="aligncenter" width="425" caption="Baby Perks is 19 weeks old!"]Baby Perks is 19 weeks old![/caption]


And the timing of this week's comparison couldn't be more perfect.   Tomorrow I will head to a place where the mangoes are plentiful.  A place where the leathery skin on wrinkly old men swallows the beaches.  A place where golf carts outnumber SUV's.  A place where the palm trees are growing and the SPF is flowing.  

If you haven't been staying up with LIFOP, then let me clarify.  The place I'm headed is not a retirement home.  Although quite frankly, my vacation to Ft. Myers, Florida might as well be to a retirement home because all I intend to do while I'm there is sit by the pool, play checkers in the afternoon, and eat the delicious Chicken Pot Pie that my fantasitc 85 year-old Nana has been preparing for weeks in honor of my arrival.  

So-since this will be Baby Perks' one and ONLY in utero plane ride...we've been having lots of pep talks these days.  I wanted to be clear that  he/she needs to keep the in utero summer saults to a minimum during our take off and landing.  I want to make sure the first time I feel my little one moving it's the real deal.  I don't want to mistake a stomach-dropping take-off or a bumpy landing for the pregnancy milestone which I'm looking forward to with such anticipation.  SO-we've come to an understanding that he/she is going to take a nice long nap from the time we leave for the airport on Saturday morning in Columbus until the time Mommy Perks is finally lounging out by the pool in a super-cute new maternity bathing suit.  

And BY THE WAY... Baby Perks is FINALLY being compared to a sweet, delicious, and exotic fruit.  Of course these are all adjectives any doting parent would be proud to hear if used to describe their little squirt.  Especially exotic.

1 comment:

Rachie said...

Have fun, Shubz!!! Relaxing by the pool just isn't the same when you have a little one to take care of:). But it's worth it, of course. I love you and am dying to know the sex - like I have said 1,000,000 times. XOXO.