Friday, May 29, 2009
Fun Fruit Friday and More!
No-it's not a mini pumpkin. It's a squash. And yes-you read those stats correctly. For the next few weeks, Henry will be measuring approximately 16-ish inches and weighing in between 2.5 and almost 4 pounds respectively. Not bad little man! You're already growing up too fast in my eyes! Or perhaps my sentiment about wanting to slow down your growth more stems from the fact that you've been making it VERY difficult for Mama to sleep these days. The bigger you get, the more I toss and turn.
And poor Daddy Perks is getting the raw end of the deal. A good wife would probably let her husband sleep, even if she was having trouble. But I figure, if Baby Perks is so lovingly preparing me for tiresome adventures ahead...then I should make sure my hubby gets to experience a few sleepless nights before the big arrival too. So in the middle of the night when I'm up tossing and turning, I make sure to sigh obnoxiously just loud enough so that my sweet husband will wake up from his peaceful slumber to check on his needy pregnant wife. Then he goes down the list of typical things I might need...offering me water, gatorade, to turn down the AC, more pillows, less pillows, my sanity...
I listen, all the while politely thinking in my head... "NO-I DON'T WANT ANY OF THOSE THINGS. I JUST THINK IF I HAVE TO BE AWAKE AT 3 IN THE MORNING...SO SHOULD YOU!" So then until we fall back asleep we lay there pondering how our lives are going to change so drastically in just a few short months. It's also during this time that Henry feels it necessary to get his nightly calistenics Daddy Perks and I get to lay together, our hands on my belly, feeling the baby move. And believe me...there's no better feeling in the world.
Ok-back to the squash. My handy-dandy baby sizing guide has this to say about the 7th month of pregnancy...
"Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments."
In other growing belly has been the inspiration on the playground at school these days. I've noticed several students (mostly girls) have been taking basketballs and other round objects and sticking them under their shirt so "they can be pregnant like Mrs. Perkins." I've also noticed several students (mostly boys) taking these "pregnant girls" onto the basketball court so they can perform "emergency C-Sections" on them. God only knows how I'll explain this one to parents.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
So long 2nd Trimester...
Mommy Perks @ 28 weeks...
Oh my goodness. As I look at this picture I am realizing just how delusional a pregnant woman can be. Why you ask? BECAUSE when I wore this lovely green dress out the other night, I had the audacity to ask my sweet husband...
"Honey? Do you think people can tell I'm pregnant in this dress?"
Ha. Ha. Ha.
I'm sure y'all can assume what his answer was. And FYI...Daddy Perks is REALLY GOOD at answering those tricky pregnancy questions I'm constantly asking him to keep his very-pregnant-wife feeling good about herself. Whenever I mention that I'm feeling not-cute, or that my clothes no longer look good on me, or that I feel like I'm related to a beached whale, my husband always has the perfect response to drag me out of the trenches. He's constantly telling me how beautiful I look, how amazing it is that I'm carrying our son, and how I can still rock a grey t-shirt...even if it looks like I'm storing a basketball underneath it.
Here's the god's honest truth. It's not all glitz and glam ladies.
You may spend your days getting smiled at by lots of strangers, having your co-workers rub your belly adoringly, and one fabulous hubby who makes you feel like a Victoria's Secret runway model when he sees you in your underwear...but I'll let you in on a little secret.
Shhhhhhhhhhhh-are you nice and close so I can whisper?
You. still. have. fat. days.
Days where you wake up, drag yourself over to the closet, look at the clothes on the hanger, and quickly run back into bed hoping it was all just a nightmare dream that all your pants/shorts have nearly a foot of stretchy material just to ensure they'll fit over your growing mid-section.
Days where you think-is it possible for me to avoid catching a profile shot of myself in a mirror? (IMPOSSIBLE because that would mean you'd have to avoid all bathrooms which means you'd have to have some type of control over your bladder.) Believe me when I say, I was out to dinner last night and used the restroom twice before the meal, twice during, and THREE TIMES after the meal before we left the restaurant. I mean seriously...that's got to be competition for the guiness book of world records.
Days where you just plain miss slipping on your skinny jeans.
Now-don't get me wrong. I have truly loved being pregnant. And believe me when I up control over my body's expansion is totally worth the end result. It's just that every once in a while, even a pregnant gal needs to vent about having a not-so-skinny day.
In other news...summer is offically here, and the Perks household finally broke down and turned the AC on the other night. Stay tuned for details on why Daddy Perks decided a higher electric bill was definitely worth a cool* pregnant wife.
*Cool=cold temperature.
(Daddy Perks doesn't have to pay money to have the coolest* wife in town.)
*Coolest=smart, witty, beautiful, fun-to-be-around, get the idea.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monkey Mania...
Now obviously...we'll be putting our own spin on things...but this is the bedding we registered for and since green is my favorite color, it will consequently have to be Henry's favorite color.
God I love being in charge.
Friday, May 15, 2009
He Can See...
Henry also continues to develop thin layers of fat on his body which will help protect him during the birthing process. I spent the week doing what I could to aid in this protection by having french fries on two three different occasions this week. Some mommys may call this a series of bad decisions...I chalk it up to the fact that in addition to my french fry binge, it was ALSO teacher appreciation week at school. Bad. News. Bears for expecting mommys who are trying to eat healthy. Seriously, every morning I was greeted by either bagels or doughnuts (or both) in the office. One should not deprive their growing boy of a nice baked good should they? In fact, I figured it would be appropriate to reward Henry for his big developmental accomplishment this week anyways... "Congrats Henry, Mommy is so proud of you for opening your eyes this week. In fact-I'm going to have 2 glazed doughnuts to help you commemorate your milestone." Beyond the baked goods, their were parent potlucks which made sure to cover all the basic food groups: chips, cookies, brownies and pop.
This week I am also soaking in my last week in the 2nd trimester, AKA the honeymoon trimester. Next week I will officially begin the third and final trimester of my pregnancy. Holy cow, where have the last 7 months gone? Seriously...I must have skipped philosophy class the day the professor taught the age-old saying , "Time flies when you're growing a human inside of you." For the next 3 months Daddy Perks and I will spend our days preparing to make room for our little Henry. And believe me, there is A LOT to do. In fact, I'll leave you with the growing "mommy-to-do" list that is currently floating arround in my head...
In no particular order...
1.) Purchase baby furniture
2.) Put together furniture once it arrives
3.) Agree on a set of furniture (must be done to accomplish 1 & 2 on list)
4.) Set up tour of the hospital
5.) Sign up for birthing classes
6.) Attend wedding, bachelorette, baby showers that take up many of our remaining weekends before Henry's arrival
7.) Celebrate Mommy & Daddy Perks' birthdays in June
8.) Continue to "de-clutter" the house and cupboards AKA clear a space in the kitchen for bottles, etc.
9.) Finish registering at Babies 'R Us and begin and finish registering at Pottery Barn for Kids
10.) Consult expert Moms out there on tips of things to make sure we get done during the 3rd trimester...
10.) stop adding to this list immediately as my anxiety is mounting...
Happy Friday.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My very first...
I woke with a smile on my face on Sunday as I rolled over to see my sweet husband smirk at me and say:
"Happpy Mother's Day sweetheart."
Nothing like an offical holiday to remind you of your newly acquired status as a mommy. I realize my little one is still hanging out in my belly for a few more months, but I spent the day being spoiled anyways!
Daddy Perks gave me a book that I'd been dying to get my hands on. I'd promised myself I'd wait until it came out on paperback, but he splurged and bought me the hardback :) It's written by one of my favorite mommy bloggers and chronicles the trials and tribulations she faced through the birth of her first child. It's appropirately titled:
"It Sucked and then I Cried.
How I Had A Baby, A Breakdown, And A Much Needed Margarita."
By: Heather B. Armstrong (author of
I also recieved a very special delivery on Saturday. My mother-in-lawlove sent me GORGEOUS flowers which are now sitting on our kitchen table. There's nothing better than fresh flowers to spruce up a room in your house :) The card attached to my flowers said:
"All your Mother's Days from now on, will be sweeter with each passing year. Thanks for our little Henry."
Mommy Perks with her lovely treats!
Daddy Perks and I spent the day celebrating the two women who we have to thank for bringing us into the world. We had brunch with his Mom and dinner with my Mom. My mom, aka Nana also couldn't help but spoil me a bit on my "first" Mother's Day...she got me an adorable green monkey blanket and a navy onsie that says: "Mommy Rules."
Mama Shubs & Mama Perks
If you've been following LIFOP at all, then it's no secret that we are going with a monkey theme for Henry's nursery. I mean come on-look at the face on that little guy on the blanket...pure sweetness. I'll be sure to keep you updated as we progess with nursery plans and decor...but just keep in mind...MONKEYS MONKEYS MONKEYS. Ahhh yes-nothing like making the decision for your child that he's going to like love monkeys. It won't be a choice really, since we've got plans brewing. Think BIG people...we're not just talking a plush toy in this corner and some nice pottery barn bedding. Oh no. Daddy Perks has dreams of a ceiling suspended vine and hanging monkeys strewn about this vine. That way when Henry wakes up from having a horrible nightmare and looks up to find monkeys flying about above his head in his room, he'll realize that his nightmare isn't that WE are his parents...just that he lives in a freaky jungle where his Mommy and Daddy went ahem-a little too far with a theme.
Speaking of my favorite little monkey...something really cool happened yesterday. I'd been at school all day and realized around 4 pm that Henry hadn't kicked me all day long. Now for some mothers (probably the same ones hoping to land a spot on a syndicated episode of Jerry Springer) this would be quite the accomplisment. But for those of us still housing our little ones in our bellies...we spend our days waiting for those fabulous moments when the baby stretches out, hiccups, kicks, punches, somersaults or does any other movement that allows us to know they are alive and kicking in there.
So...I had my hand on my belly and I said, "Come on Henry, just give Mommy a little kick so I can know everything is ok in there." Literally as soon as I said that, I felt the slightest little jab right beneath my belly button. Seriously. It was crazy. I smiled to myself because it made me realize that my bond with Henry is so much stronger than I can even wrap my brain around. Now maybe it was just coincidence that I felt movement at that moment-but if you ask me, I don't think so. Henry & I are together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's incredible to think about the bond we're forming with each passing day. He literally hears his Mommy babbling all. day. long. He's probably in there thinking...does this lady ever shut up?
In fact, these next few months are especially sacred because once he's out of the womb our bond will be entirely different. Sure for the first few years of his life we'll continue to spend many of our waking (and "sleeping") moments together...but before long he'll grow up, go off to school, spend the night at friends' houses and do lots of other activites that won't require him to be connected to his Mommy via an umbilical cord. Soon enough, he'll wake up and realize that he doesn't need me all the time. But for the time being...I'm more than ok with the fact that he does.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It's offical...
I kid you not when I say...the minute I stepped foot into the reception of the Ison wedding my little guy started kicking like CRAZY. In fact, he was so active during the cocktail hour that several of my friends got to feel him move for the very first time!
There is honestly nothing cooler than grabbing the hand of a loved one and watching their eyes light up as they feel Henry kicking around inside his home...aka my growing belly. I'm not sure if he was feeling saucy because his mommy was all dazzled up in her satin green dress, OR if he was preparing for his very first Mother's Day. Either way...I'm glad to know that Henry loves weddings as much as I do.
Here are a few shots from wedding day...
Perks Family Photo!
The Sexy 7!
Daddy Perks, Lynn the Bride, Mommy Perks, Nathan the Groom
Aunt Court & Aunt KTP!
I was reminded on Saturday just how amazing it is to witness the beauty of a wedding. It's incredible to be a part of two people choosing to come together to declare their love for one another in front of God, their family, and their dearest friends. I know Henry couldn't see the beautiful bride or all the smiling faces that helped to celebrate this wonderful occasion, but I know one day we'll show him pictures of Mommy's belly peaking out of that green dress, and he'll know he got to be a part of something wonderful.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wedding Perks...
Pause. Rewind. I'm realizing that months into my blogging escapades...I've YET to share with you about the fabulous, infamous, esteemed high school group of girlfriends I am still proudly a part of:
The Sexy 7.
That's right six best friends from high school and I commonly referred to ourselves as "The Sexy 7" all throughout our high school years...and nearly 10 years later...we still proudly refer to ourselves this way. I know that it's incredibly unique that a decade later, I'm still extremely close with each of these girls as often times people tend to drift from their high school friends. Not these ladies. These are girls who I know I'll call friends til we're old and gray. Having known each other for so long, we've seen each other through life's greatest ups and downs. They were all there to help me celebrate my wedding day...
J-dubs, Beck, Megs, Shubs (aka Mama Perks), KTP, Court, Lynn
...and I plan to share in the joy of each of them walking down the aisle. It just so happens that I'll get the pleasure of doing so for the first time this weekend :)
It's incredibly humbling to know just how much support I have from each of these ladies. In fact, I can't wait for Henry to meet each of them because they were the first group of friends to throw me a baby shower for our little one.
Here is a shot of the Sexy 7 @ my first baby shower. They threw me a "mother/daughter" themed shower and it was incredibly intimate and special. Each of our mothers were there and we sat around sharing how our mothers have influenced our lives. I was also blessed to get advice from each of the Sexy 7 moms on how I can best prepare for the arrival of little Henry...
They showered me (and Henry) with so many wonderful gifts...but more importantly, they reminded me just how amazing it is that I will have all of their support as I venture into unchartered waters...aka Motherhood. I'm proud to say that Henry is already so loved by such a fabulous group of ladies. Watch out little man...these girls are gonna spoil you rotten!
Here's one last shot of us at Lynn's wedding shower. Her wedding colors are green, black, and white-so you'll notice we are extremely color coordinated in this shot:
I suspect that after this weekend's festivities, there will be plenty of PERKS to share as my belly and I make our way to the dance floor in style. Watch out Henry, your Mama plans to bust a move...especially if the DJ cranks out a little Journey! Come to think of it..."Don't Stop Believin'" might have you doing your very own in utero jig. So slap on your dancing booties and get ready for a good time.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mama Said...
And it's been nothing short of one of those days.
It began with a lovely encounter with the porcelain gods. Nothing like a trip down morning sickness memory lane to remind me that 26 weeks into this pregnancy I can still, and in fact did manage to put the vom in vomit.
After I managed to pull my puke brain together I headed out for a trip to the dentist bright-and-early. Nothing like a 7:30 am dentist appointment to remind you how much you love life. Now-for some of you...the trip to the dentist alone would be enough to start your day off on the "wrong foot." But I, however, don't really mind the dentist. That is-until he informed me that I was in desperate need of a ROOT CANAL. Yes. You read that right. A root canal.
*Here's a word to all the wise dentists out there...if you want to keep your 6 1/2 month pregnant patients happy...don't tell them they need a root canal...and after you don't tell them they need a root canal...don't tell them they have to have this less-than-pleasant procedure done with minimal drugs to avoid hurting the baby. Ugggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh. For those of you who don't know my dental history...I don't think I've ever so much as had a cavity in my entire life. Seriously. I've been pretty blessed in the pearly white department. That is until that sweet little nugget inside of me started sucking all the calcium goodness out of my mouth and began hoarding it for himself.
Ahem-Henry...if you're listening...last time I checked, you don't come out of the womb with teeth.
Morning sickness...I get it. Migraines...I got through them. Bronchitis...well-we're sharing an immune system right? But root canal?!? The latest in my pregnancy ailments is just really downright rediculous. So after my far-from-good-news at the dentist office...I made my way over to the BMV.
Ahhh yes, the lovely Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Now I know I'm not alone in making the statement that the BMV could more appropriately be renamed: "The House of Crazies." It has to be a universal truth that when you set foot in a BMV, you are bound to witness a new level of stupidity. There can be anywhere from 2 to 47 people impatiently waiting in line to renew a license, get new plates, update their registrations or just act like a moron. Is anyone else ever alarmed by the fact that the people you stand in line with at the BMV are allowed to operate motor vehicles? Shouldn't it be a prerequisite that if you're allowed to drive a car, that you should also be capable of of providing two proper forms of personal identification? Oh, please don't let me stay up on my BMV soapbox. It's entirely too tense up here.
Bottom line...I managed to get my hands on a new license. And I've only been avoiding it since...shhhhhh...November. Ooops. Did I just admit to then entire online world that I lost my license back in November of 2008 and I'm just now getting around to replacing it? Well, here's the thing. To be honest...I haven't really needed my license since November. I realize I shouldn't drive around without one...but the only other reason I even use my license is to occasionally indulge in an adult beverage. And believe me when I say, there's been nothing "adult" about my liquid consupmtion over the past 6 months. In fact, if you were to open the Perks fridge right now, you'd find an assortment of milk, juice, gatorade, and Sprite Zero for when I'm feeling really risque'.
Moving right along with my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad was grey, rainy, icky and wet all day long. Indoor recess=Crazy kids=Crazier teachers. I won't even try to deny how weather dependent my mood is. If it's sunny, I'm happy. If it's raining, I'm typically not. And after the root canal and BMV drama, a rainy day seemed like the only appropirate weather for the day I was having and the mood I was in. Well-you know what they say...
When it rains. It pours. So what did I come home to after my lovely day at school? How about a broken garbage disposal which leaked nasty food particles and water all throughout the cupboard under our sink in the kitchen. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I was really hoping that I'd have get down on my hands and knees to scrub garbage disposal remnants off of the diswasher detergent and all the other household products kept under our sink just to rid our kitchen of the horrific smell long enough to make myself a pot of chicken noodle soup. (It seemed like the only food depressing enough to consume after the day I'd had.)
And where was Daddy Perks this whole time? Ha. Ha. Ha. Funny you should ask. He happens to be in California this week on business. In fact, right as I stumbled into my very own episode of "Kitchen Nightmares: My Garbage Disposal Hates Me," I got a call from my husband. Not only was he walking down Hollybood Boulevard tip toe-ing over the handprints of our world's most famous celebrities, but he'd just seen Fergie step out of a limo, somehow managed to score tickets to see a taping of the Jimmy Kimmel Show, AND although he didn't say it...I bet my bottom dollar that it wasn't raining where he was. Judging by the tone of his voice, Daddy Perks was living large, and I on the other hand was counting down the minutes til I could put an end to this disastrous mishap of a day.
Alright, I've subjected you to a 953 word description of my Wednesday woes. And I think that's quite enough. Here's to hoping your day went a little more smoothly than mine. And if not-please join me in the bitter barn.
**Disclaimor. Henry-if you have been "listening," OR if you've somehow developed some type of in utero version of morse code that allows you to decipher what I'm typing...please know that I really don't mind that you hog all my calcium. Really-go ahead-take it. I'll make sure to start chugging down a few extra glasses of milk from now on. After all-it does a body (and baby) good.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Perks about Daddy Perks...
I know what you're thinking. If you saw your husband pull a stunt like this in an upscale store like Pottery Barn for might have you reevaulating if he's ready for fatherhood.
And yes. This picture is real. Daddy Perks did in fact crawl into a toddler bed at Pottery Barn for Kids while we were out perusing nursery bedding and other baby goods a few weeks ago. And yes, I did scold him as if he was my toddler, roll my eyes, and quickly dodge over in between the rugs so the sales ladies helping me wouldn't "red flag" our registry and whisper to each other..."That's the Dad?!?"
And I can't call the trip a total wash because while there we stumbled upon the most delicious monkey bedding of all time. In fact, if you look closely in the picture you'll see Daddy Perks holding an adorable orange, plush, monkey that I can just picture Baby Henry tugging behind him as scurries the hall to our bedroom to crawl into bed with Mommy and Daddy someday.
But this post isn't about monkeys, or bedding, or the hormonal imbalance you may think Daddy Perks is causing me due to his less-than-Daddy-like behavior as we prepare for the birth of our son. In fact, I'm writing to brag about Daddy Perks.
I'm smiling as I write this because for those of you out there who have found your perfect match, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I can barely describe in words what its like to wake up everyday next to a man who I'd be proud to have my son turn into someday. He is caring, kind, compassionate and possesses all the characteristics a mother would hope for in her son, and so much more.
My husband puts the fun in funny. There is never a dull moment in the Perks household and I love the fact that at any given moment you might hear Daddy Perks belting out a Michael Jackson classic in the shower, rattling off his latest comedy bits, or just making strange noises that can't make you do anything but giggle.
Sometimes he'll lay on my stomach and make the strangest comments to Henry...i mean, he'll say really weird things. But I can't help but look down and smile knowing that I've got the best of the best for my little boy. Henry will know what it means to be a man with conviction, honor, faith, integrity, humility and all the other qualities we women search for in a man.
And if we're lucky...Daddy will pass down his devestatingly handsome good looks to our sweet baby boy.
I'm sure there will be many more posts about how my hubby rocks in the next few stay tuned for more incriminating photos that I'm sure he'll create for himself :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Not a stitch of heartburn...
Is Henry going to be a bald baby?
Now for those of you haven't spent the last six months of your life being bombarded by pregnancy wives's tales...the word on the street regarding heartburn is that if you experience lots of it, that your baby is bound to have a full head of hair as it makes its debut into the world.
Ok you mommy readers out me out. Let me know your history...if you have had experience with birthing "heartburn babies" that were STILL bald, OR if you bypassed heartburn but still managed to produce a baby with a decent set of locks out of the womb...I want to hear about it!
Help a wondering Momma out!
Happy heartburn-less Monday!
Mama Perks
Friday, May 1, 2009
Fun Fruit Friday...
I checked to see what size Henry is and apparently he'll be an eggplant for Weeks 25-28...
For some reason the only thing that comes to mind when I think of an eggplant is how my mother desperately wanted me to have my bridesmaids dress in the color eggplant for our wedding. Well, I didn't grant her wish then, but thank god she can now go around bragging that her grandson is the color eggplant.
"Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes."
Happy Friday y'all.