Friday, May 15, 2009

He Can See...

According to some of my reading, Henry's little eyelids are no longer fused together.  At some point during the last few days he opened his eyes for the very first time.  Can you imagine what it must feel like to have your first moments of sight?  It's an almost impossible thought to wrap one's brain around.  He's currently checking out his surroundings thinking to himself... "I should have upgraded to the stainless steel and cherry cabinets.  And what the hell was I thinking opting for the studio.  I could really use a second bedroom right now."  

Henry also continues to develop thin layers of fat on his body which will help protect him during the birthing process. I spent the week doing what I could to aid in this protection by having french fries on two three different occasions this week.  Some mommys may call this a series of bad decisions...I chalk it up to the fact that in addition to my french fry binge, it was ALSO teacher appreciation week at school.  Bad. News. Bears for expecting mommys who are trying to eat healthy.  Seriously, every morning I was greeted by either bagels or doughnuts (or both) in the office.  One should not deprive their growing boy of a nice baked good should they?  In fact, I figured it would be appropriate to reward Henry for his big developmental accomplishment this week anyways... "Congrats Henry, Mommy is so proud of you for opening your eyes this week.  In fact-I'm going to have 2 glazed doughnuts to help you commemorate your milestone." Beyond the baked goods, their were parent potlucks which made sure to cover all the basic food groups: chips, cookies, brownies and pop.  

This week I am also soaking in my last week in the 2nd trimester, AKA the honeymoon trimester.  Next week I will officially begin the third and final trimester of my pregnancy.  Holy cow, where have the last 7 months gone? Seriously...I must have skipped philosophy class the day the professor taught the age-old saying , "Time flies when you're growing a human inside of you."  For the next 3 months Daddy Perks and I will spend our days preparing to make room for our little Henry.  And believe me, there is A LOT to do.  In fact, I'll leave you with the growing "mommy-to-do" list that is currently floating arround in my head...

In no particular order...

1.) Purchase baby furniture

2.) Put together furniture once it arrives

3.) Agree on a set of furniture (must be done to accomplish 1 & 2 on list)

4.) Set up tour of the hospital

5.) Sign up for birthing classes

6.) Attend wedding, bachelorette, baby showers that take up many of our remaining weekends before Henry's arrival

7.) Celebrate Mommy & Daddy Perks' birthdays in June

8.) Continue to "de-clutter" the house and cupboards AKA clear a space in the kitchen for bottles, etc.

9.) Finish registering at Babies 'R Us and begin and finish registering at Pottery Barn for Kids

10.) Consult expert Moms out there on tips of things to make sure we get done during the 3rd trimester...

10.) stop adding to this list immediately as my anxiety is mounting...


Happy Friday.


Kristin Brown said...

You are too funny! Teacher appreciation week has added inches to my waiste..I need to diet asap! We have had so much food it is gross, I could only wish to have an excuse of eating for 2, I know I acted like it! Hope you enjoyed! We need to get together soon, it has been WAY too long!

Abby said...

Just wanted to compliment you for doubling up on the #10s to avoid ending the list in an odd number :)

He he he...

And, yes, Teacher Appreciation Week is just another term for Anti-Diet Week. What is it with teachers and food????

caroline said...

Hi Shubie! So it's after 12 and I should be long asleep, but I wanted to catch up on your life! You are adorable and I love reading your blogs! You are still the great writer I've known since kindergarten. I can't wait to meet Henry! Love you lots!

Rachie said...

I can't believe you are in your third trimester. You are completely entitled to your french fries and doughnuts. Henry is a growing boy! what's my excuse?:) LOVE YOU.