Monday, July 20, 2009

Hank's Weekend With the Ladies...

Last weekend my little Henry and I ventured over to Indianapolis for the weekend for some very special celebrating.  He helped me spend the weekend honoring two of my dear college girlfriends (and loyal LIFOP readers) Meredith and Angela who are getting hitched in August and September respectively.

Brides-Babies 1Brides-To-Be...Ang & Mere!

Now on a normal basis any 34 week-old in utero baby might be askin' his Mama to take it easy and stay off her feet so close to his arrival date, but once Henry found out that I'd be hanging out with this group of smokin' hot ladies-he knew he had to make an exception.  (He may be young...but Henry knows when to turn on the charm already.  He spent all weekend kicking like crazy so that all of his soon-to-be-honorary-aunts could feel him move in my belly.  He's such a ham.)

I can not tell you how wonderful it was to spend the weekend with so many of my nearest and dearest girlfriends that I don't get to see hardly enough.  After college we spread out all over the country and these days it seems like it takes an engagement, wedding, shower, bachelorette party, or baby to bring us all together!  Our weekends spent together may be few and far between, but when we all reunite, we haven't missed a beat-and this weekend was no exception.

On Friday night we spent the evening having a serious catch-up session...we gabbed about everything going on in each other's plans, work drama, love lives, grad school, nursery decor, proposal stories, etc.  You ladies out there know what I mean when I say there was no shortage of topics to be covered!

On Saturday, the festivities got a little less "G-Rated" as we headed to the hotel to properly honor our bachelorettes.  I must say, I was glad Henry spent the night celebrating with us in utero.  I'm hoping that some of the presents that were exchanged are items he does not see with his innocent little eyes until they are worn by his wife on their honeymoon.  A mom can dream right?

Anyways, here are a few photos from the evening.  Like I said, Henry was one lucky little dude to be surrounded by such a beautiful group of ladies...

Brides-Babies 2Aunt Abby & Mama Perks...rockin' the black & white look :)

Brides-Babies 3Mama Perks & Aunt Ang!

Brides-Babies 4Group Shot as we headed out on the town!

Brides-Babies 5
*This shot (while highly unflattering) is proof for Henry that his Mama still knows how to get down on the dance floor!

He was rockin' to the beat with all the ladies all. night. long.

While we stayed out way past my bedtime, it was SO worth the swollen feet I had by the end of the night to help celebrate two wonderful ladies.  I am so excited for both of them to begin their lives with their hubbies so that some day they'll have "little Henry's" running around so we can have playdates!

Sunday the festivities continued...but we switched the celebration from brides to babies!  The girls were so sweet to host a baby shower for me since we were all together!  It was so nice to be surrounded by their love and support as we toasted to Henry.  Sercretly-I think they are all glad to watch me venture down pregnancy/mommyhood lane first so that I can share all the in's and out's with them...the good (feeling the baby move and falling in love so hard with a person you don't even know)...the bad (morning sickness and back pains)...and the ugly (maternity wardrobe nightmares and hair growing on parts of your body you never hoped for-even in the pre-pubescent stage of your life.)

Once again, my little guy was spoiled with all kinds of are a few shots from the lovely affair:

Brides-Babies 6Henry's first diaper cake!  If you look closely...the cupcakes spell out his name!

Brides-Babies 7Belly Shot @ 34 weeks!

Brides-Babies 8Honorary Aunts-to-Be...(looking good even after a long night of dancing!)

Brides-Babies 9Henry surrounded by the ladies!

Thank you to each of you who made this such a special weekend.  It will probably be my last official "girl's weekend" before Henry arrives, and it was certainly one for the books!  I love each of you dearly and can't wait for you to meet my little one.

Stay tuned this week because I'll be catching y'all up on nursery developments, my 763rd trip to Babies R Us, and all the other adventures Daddy Perks and I have had as we round 3rd base and head home for Henry!


Catav said...

omg i miss you all. what a fantastic weekend with wonderful friends. Thanks for making the trip Lins and I can't wait to meet lil Henry!! :) xoxo!

Can We Say Ladies Man? « said...

[...] I guess you might say that they already met Henry back in July when we gathered to celebrate bachelorettes and babies, [...]