Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hoping for news today...

Happy Wednesday All.

Yes.  It's Wednesday.  And Yes-Henry is STILL in my belly.  Holy moly this kid is taking his time.

I've developed a theory. I've come to the conclusion that when women are pregnant, they're brains are NOT equipped to believe that they will go past their due date.  It's beyond their mental capacity to do so as a means of survival.  I say this because the last few weeks are hard.  And if women had to think about the fact that their due date might come and go and their baby might STILL be in their belly...well let's just say, I've gained a new appreciation for the whole "one day hour minute at a time" mentality.

We are heading in to the doctor this morning for another appointment.  Am I taking a shower before I go? Yes.  Will my legs be shaved?  Yes.  Will I even curl my hair and throw on some make-up?  Yes and yes.  Will we take our hospital bags with us? Yes.

Will I be prepared for the doctor to say: "Mommy Perks-you're a pregnancy rockstar and you've waited long enough to meet your baby boy.  I hope you put your bags in the car because you should leave this office, drive straight to the hospital and settle in for a leisurely 2 hour labor (epidural given upon arrival) in which you'll push a few times and then before you know it, be holding your sweet baby boy in your arms.  I think you've EARNED that."

I don't think that's too much to ask, do you?

What will the doctor actually say?  I've had nightmares in recent nights that he'll tell me I've actually regressed and am currently dialated -4 centimeters.  NEGATIVE FOUR.  Is that even possible?  Oh god I hope not.  Regardless of whatever my progress has been in the last 7 days, Daddy Perks and I are definitely hoping for some type of definitive news on when we can expect our baby boy to be in our arms.  Or at least we'd like to know when we'll be  heading to the hospital.  The plan is that we'll set an induction date today at the appointment.

Anyways, as I sit here wide awake while most of the world is sleeping I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I know that it's only a matter of days before my world is going to be turned upside down in the most amazing way possible.

And I can't wait.


Jenny said...

I'm praying for you Linds! Any day now!

Abby said...

Anxiously awaiting the news, sweet blog friend! Thinking of you!