Sunday, August 23, 2009

40. Weeks. Pregnant.

August 24, 2009...the DUE date.

I thought I'd give Henry all the glory he's earned for making it this far...

Baby Bump-40 Weeks 001

My sister took this belly shot tonight to officially document the fact that I WE have made it ALL 40 WEEKS.

I can hardly believe it.  As a girlfriend of mine put it the other night...

"You must have a really comfy uterus."

Wow.  As I type this I'm looking back up at this picture and realizing just how attractive my swollen fingers look.  Just call me one HOT mama. Anyways, the bottom line is...although Henry and I have made this journey together...apparently he's the one calling the shots about exactly when he wants his birthday to be.  If it had been up to me and all my lame attempts at induding labor, my little man would have been here weeks days ago. And after our doctor's appointment this past week I would have put money on the fact that he would have been here by now.  But apparently he's sticking with the statistics which say that first-time mommys tend to have an average pregnancy of 40 weeks and 3 days.  Now-if that's the case Henry will arrive on Thursday.  BUT-we've got another doctor's appointment scheduled for chances are, by that point we'll have a MUCH better idea of exactly when we can expect Henry to arrive.  As I said doctor promised that he won't let me go more than a week past my due date, so at the very latest...we are looking at August 31st as the BIG day.

In other news...Daddy Perks and I had another lovely baby-less weekend.  We went to a baseball game on Saturday night, ran some errands today, (including what I'm hoping is our LAST trip to Babies 'R Us before the baby arrives) hit up one of our favorite lunch spots & book stores, and then enjoyed a nice steak dinner this evening with my family.  My mom insisted that we play Wii bowling after dinner in an attempt to send me into labor.  (Little does she know...that if the 4 AM lunges and squats I've been doing the past few nights aren't doing the trick, I doubt a few flicks of the wrists is going to be the answer to my labor prayers.)  Yes you read that far as trying to force myself into labor goes...I have tried. it. all.  I mean EVERYTHING.  (Thanks to each of you who left comments/suggestions on the labobr-inducing tricks that worked for I said-apparently Henry's got his own agenda.)

I'm officially on maternity leave now-so until the babe arrives I'll be getting my game-face on for the big day...trying to stay busy, but also rest up and conserve my energy to make for a smooth labor/delievery.

As I reflect back on the past 40 weeks, words can't even describe how incredibly blessed I feel to be surrounded by so many loving and supportive people as Daddy Perks and I begin this new chapter in our lives.  We are overwhelmed by the excitement and love we feel from so many of you in anticipation of Henry's you can imagine, we are on the edge of our seats waiting for my water to break or for contractions to really kick into high gear.

I promise that since I'm officially done working that I'll keep you as up-to-date as I can on the minute-by-minute developments of Baby Perks' BIG Arrival.

And just so I don't get accused of not giving an official full-sized belly bump's a full shot of yours truly 40. Weeks. Pregnant.

Baby Bump-40 Weeks 002

Good thing the shirt I'm wearing doesn't draw ANY unwanted attention to my mid-section.


Bari said...

Lindsey--glad to hear you are hanging in there! I was 9 and 10 days late, respectively, with Carly and Coen so I feel your pain. Get lots of rest and try Mexican food--I had a huge Mexican dinner the night before I had Carly!

Kaiser said...

You are still totally stinkin' adorable. I had a slight panic on Friday...and figured you were ok...then this morning came, and I had to do some research :-) Fingers crossed and in my prayers!

Bethany said...

Aw Lindsey--you are so cute!! At 40 weeks pregnant I was probably twice as swollen as you really stunk! I hope that little Henry comes quickly and I can't wait to see what he looks like! Hang in there girl, and enjoy just lying around for these next few hours / days. Afterall, I can certainly assure you that it will be your last real time to relax for about 18 years! ha! I'll be checking here constantly for updates until he arrives :)

Claire Kelley said...

Hey Shubs - maybe Henry will make it to my birthday - September 1! I would be happy about that, but you might not be... I'm thinking of you!!
Did you know our mommies work together?

IttyBitty said...

I like the last pic - you look ready for action!

Tiff said...

Girl, you are the hottest 40-week prego woman I've ever seen! :) Hopefully Henry's in-utero stubborness is a sign that he'll be a little less stubborn once he gets here! Enjoy the last few hours or days that you have left! Can't wait for the official update that Henry Perks has arrived! :)

Abby said...

~~***Sending labor dust your way***~~

Rach said...

You look gorgeous, Shubz. And it won't be long till you have that precious boy in your arms. I'm waiting for the call!!! I love you:).