Monday, October 26, 2009

56 Days Ago.

56 days ago my world was just my own. 

I could come and go as I pleased.  I could sleep in on Saturdays.  I could make my lunch and eat it right away.  I could shower, shave, brush my teeth, and put on deodorant on-all in one sitting.  I could run into the grocery store for a few things and be back to whip up a quick dinner for my husband and I in no time flat.  I could go shopping and try clothes on with relative ease.  I could return phone calls in a timely manner.  I could leave the house with just my wallet.  I could hit the snooze button. 

56 days world is no longer my own.  And let me tell you-I'm more than obliged to share.

Now-there is a little life that depends on me.  A sweet little boy who has turned our world upside down in the most amazing way possible.  He's helped us remember what life is all about.  He's made waking up in the morning the best treat, because I assure you...there's nothing like running into the nursery to get him, bringing him back into bed, and laying with my two best boys-realizing that THIS is what life is all about. 

It's about a love that helped create new life.  It's about a little boy who God chose for us to shape and mold into a young man.  It's about watching him grow, and reach milestones-big and small.  His first smile.  His first laugh.  His first steps.  His first scrape on the knee.  His first day of school.  His first job.  His first kiss.  We'll be there to coach him through some of these milestones...and others we'll just have to sit back, cross our fingers, and hope that we did enough.  And the beauty is-even though we won't always get it right-he will always be our son.  And we will always love him more than anything we have ever loved in our lives. 

Daddy Perks and I look at each other often and wonder what life was like before Henry.  It's amazing how much life we have lived in 56 days, compared to the thousands of days that came before them. 

The past 56 days may not have been glamorous.  They might have included a few (or many) where our shirts smelled like puke, and our toilets went uncleaned.  They may have caused bags under our eyes, and made value meals for dinner sound fancy.  They may have meant less trips to the movies, and more trips to the doctor.  They may have included more loads of laundry then we've done in the past year.  They may have included sweatpants as the standard attire, and breastmilk as the beverage of choice.

But what they most certainly included...


The most indescribable, unconditional, mind-boggling, earth-shattering, rock-your-world, never-want-it-to-end, would literally kill for, amazing kind of love.

56 days in...and it gets better with every breath.



Tiff said...

I'm am literally sitting here with tears streaming down my face! Girl, you hit the nail on the head! And I am so thankful that I now know exactly what you mean (13 days in!). We are truly blessed!!! And Henry is so lucky to have such an amazing momma! :)

abs said...


Rach said...

You always take me back to those early day, Shubz. I am crying too. Shocker, huh;). You and Colin are going to do a wonderful job of raising that little cupcake. No doubt about it.