Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Perks.

Oh you better believe it.  We are definitely the parents that would drag our 7-week old to the pumpkin patch in the freezing cold weather...all for the pictures ahem-experience.

Although Henry couldn't tell us in words-we're pretty sure he LOVED hanging out in the hay barn, gazing at all the pumpkins, taking cheesy pictures with his silly parents, and of course-getting excited for the upcoming holiday.  If you've spent any time all following this blog, then I'm sure you know exactly what we plan to dress our little man up as for Halloween at the end of this month.

Here are a few of the pictures from Saturday's chilly festivities:

001_1We did break out the Baby Bjorn for the first time-Henry is just now big enough to fit in it.

003_3Happy family.

007_7Love this little boy.

011_11Snug as a bug.

014_14So maybe Henry wasn't quite big enough to go down the slide...but somebody else seemed to enjoy himself playing in the hay.


021_21Finally...some pumpkins.

029_29My boys.  Daddy Perks-where's your dinosaur hoody?

012_12He slept the whole time.

024_24We can't wait to go back next year!

Happy October to all of you.   We hope you're enjoying the fall as much as we are.


The Perks


Erin said...

Colin's face as the sunflower is hilarious. I can tell Henry enjoyed every bit of it as he was able to sleep through his parents photo shoots. Looks like fun!!

Abby said...

Aw! Too fun! We had our own days of pumpkin picking while sportin' the Bjorn. In fact, I kind of miss those days :(

Megan P said...

Oh.. no.. you.. didn't pose at the cardboard cutouts! Hilarious!! My little Henry muffin looks so cute in these pics!! xo Mego

Rach said...

These pics are wonderful. I have looked at this post three since last night times but Walker duties pulled me away before I could comment. You savor that sweet little pumpkin. He is adorable. Love you.

Colin said...

I tried so hard to get out of doing the cardboard cutout picture. But once you're overruled, you can't do anything but embrace it.

Tiff said...

Ha ha, love Colin's comment! Yeah, just embrace it cause I'm sure there will be a lot more "cardboard cutout pictures" to come! :) (My fav picture, btw.) Looks like Henry's first trip to the pumpkin patch was a fun one and one to remember! And of course, Henry was the cutest little pumpkin there! :)